The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U.S. with news, information and resources.
  1. The recipients of the 2025 Dayton Hamvention® Awards were announced on March 11, 2025. “The selection process was highly competitive, given the outstanding quality of nominations submitted this year. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the winners for 2025,” said Dayton Hamvention Awards Chair Michael Kalter, W8CI.

    Technical Achievement Award: Dr. Kristina Collins, KD8OXT

    Dr. Kristina Coll...

  2. Gerald E. “Gerry” Murphy, K8YUW, passed away on February 25, 2025. He was 88 years old, and the founder of the Hurricane Watch Net (HWN). 

    According to a statement released by current HWN manager Bobby Graves, KB5HAV, Murphy, then 28 years old, was stationed at the U.S. Naval Mobile Construction Battalion Center in Davisville, Rhode Island, in 1965. During his time off, he handled countless phon...

  3. is reporting "A Hole In The Sun's Atmosphere" that
    should reach Earth on March 9 and 10.

    Solar activity has been at moderate levels for the past 24 hours.
    The largest solar event of the period was a M1 event observed on
    March 5 at 1150z from Region 4016. There are currently 10 numbered
    sunspot regions on the disk.

    Solar activity is expected to be low with a chance for M-class
    flares a...

  4. We’re seeing peak conditions from Solar Cycle 25 just in time for the ARRL International DX SSB Contest. It gets underway this weekend at 0000 UTC on Saturday, March 1, and concludes at 2359 UTC on Sunday, March 2. 

    ARRL Contest Program Manager Paul Bourque, N1SFE, is gearing up to operate as part of a multi-operator, single-transmitter station for the event. He is eager to get started. “This is...